Proceedings of ICPAM 7 - 2004 Invited Papers |
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Giant magnetoresistance in electrodeposited multilayer films. The influence of superparamagnetic regions |
I. Bakonyi, L. Péter, V. Weihnacht, J. Tóth, L. F. Kiss, C. M. Schneider |
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Numerical simulation applied to chemical vapour deposition process. Rapid thermal CVD and spray CVD |
A. Bouteville |
Section 1. Processing and characterization |
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Ni,Zn/SiO2 ferrite nanocomposites prepared by an improved sol-gel method and their characterisation |
M. Stefanescu, C. Caizer, M. Stoia, O. Stefanescu |
4 |
Solute distribution in shaped sapphire crystals obtained by EFG method |
O. Bunoiu, I. Nicoara, T. Duffar |
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Photo-induced transition from elastic to plastic behavior in amorphous As-Se films studied by nanoindentation |
M. L. Trunov, S. N. Dub, R. S. Shmegera |
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Preparation of TiOx thin films by reactive pulsed-laser ablation |
D. Luca |
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Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by spray pyrolysis and their investigation by electron microscopy |
Al. Darabont, P. Nemes–Incze, K. Kertész,L. Tapasztó, A. A. Koós, Z. Osváth, Zs. Sárközi, Z. Vértesy, Z. E. Horváth, L. P. Biró |
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On the drawing in ultrasonic field of metallic wires with high mechanical resistance |
M. Susan, L. Gh. Bujoreanu, D. G. Găluşcă, C. Munteanu, M. Mantu |
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Infrared absorption properties of amorphous carbon films |
G. Lazar, K. Zellama, I. Vascan, M. Stamate, I. Lazar, I. Rusu |
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Molecular dynamics simulations of electronic properties of a-SiC/c-Si heterojunctions |
V. I. Ivashchenko, P. E. A. Turchi, L. A. Ivashchenko |
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On the synthesis and characterization of polycrystalline GaSb suitable for thermophotovoltaic (TPV) applications |
A. Mitric, Th. Duffar, A. Amariei, X. Chatzistavrou, E. Pavlidou, K. M. Paraskevopoulos, E. K. Polychroniadis |
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Thermal profile evaluation of a silicon wafer in the apparatus for rapid thermal chemical vapour deposition |
M. Girtan, P. O. Logerais, L. Avril, F. Gonzzatti, A. Bouteville |
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Microchemical and mechanical characteristics of arc plasma deposited TiAlN and TiN/TiAlN coatings |
M. Braic, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, G. Pavelescu, A. Vladescu, I. Tudor, A. Popescu, Z. Borsos, C. Logofatu, C. C. Negrila |
Section 2. Electron and transport properties |
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Dynamics of simultaneous measurements of Hall and magnetoresistance effects in liquid metals and semiconductors |
M. Ogita, T. Ito, M. Isai, I. Mogi, S. Awaji, K. Yokoo |
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Negative glow plasma as a converter of electric energy into radiation |
M. Toma |
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Investigations on the dynamics of a metalL-ferroelectric-semiconductor heterostructure |
B. Mereu, M. Alexe, M. Diestelhorst, C. P. Cristescu, C. Stan |
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Influence of V2 O5 additions on the resistivity and dielectric properties of nickel-zinc ferrites |
B. Parvatheeswara Rao, K. H. Rao, G. Sankaranarayana, A. Paduraru, O. F. Caltun |
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DC resistivity and dielectric studies on Ti4+ substituted Ni-Zn ferrites |
B. Parvatheeswara Rao, K. H. Rao, T. Vasantha Rao, A. Paduraru, O. F. Caltun |
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On the electrical characteristics of vacuum evaporated indium selenide thin films |
C. Viswanathan, G. G. Rusu, S. Gopal, D. Mangalaraj, Sa. K. Narayandass |
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Current – voltage studies on vacuum evaporated In70Se30 thin films |
C. Viswanathan, G. G. Rusu, D. Mangalaraj, Sa. K. Narayandass, J. Yi |
21 |
The Seebeck coefficient of TiO2 thin films |
D. Mardare |
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Structural and electrical properties of antimony trisulfide thin films |
N. Tigau, G. I. Rusu, V. Ciupina, G. Prodan, E. Vasile |
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Electrical properties of ZnSe Crystals doped with transition metals |
A. N. Avdonin, G. V. Kolibaba, D. D. Nedeoglo, N. D. Nedeoglo, V. P. Sirkeli |
Section 3. Magnetic properties |
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Pulsed laser deposition of Ni-Zn ferrite thin films |
O. F. Caltun |
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EPR and magnetic investigations of chromium ions in TeO2 based glasses |
I. Ardelean, S. Filip |
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The application of perturbational statistical theories to the investigation of the static magnetization of magnetic fluids |
L. B. Popescu, V. Socoliuc, D. Bica, L. Vekas |
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Magnetic and electrical properties of [NiFe/SiO2]x N multilayer thin films |
M. Urse, A- E. Moga, M. Grigoras, H. Chiriac |
Section 4. Optical and photoelectrical properties |
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Photodarkening relaxation in amorphous As2Se3 films doped with rare-earth ions |
M. S. Iovu, P. Boolchand, D. G. Georgiev |
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Optical and surface properties TiO2 thin films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering method |
M. Stamate, I. Vascan, I. Lazar, G. Lazar, I. Caraman, M. Caraman |
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Radiative centers formed by halogen molecules intercalated in MoS2 and WS2 layered semiconductors |
D. Dumchenko, C. Gherman, L. Kulyuk |
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Four-center resonance energy transfer in rare earth doped crystals |
C. Candu, V. Ciobu, V. Enaki |
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The birefringence of thin films of some nematic liquid crystals |
S. Picoş, G. Amarandei, I. Diaconu, D. Dorohoi |
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Electrical and photoelectrical properties of heterojunctions on the base of Cu(InGa)Se2 |
P. Ketrush, P. Gashin, V. Nikorich, V. Suman |
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Optical and photoelectric properties of propolis-layered semiconductor (p-InSe) heterojunction |
S. I. Drapak, A. P. Bakhtinov, I. T. Drapak, Z. D. Kovalyuk, M. V. Tovarnitsky |
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Bistable optic modulators made from monocrystalline layers GaSe (Cu) |
M. Caraman, E. Cuculescu, I. Evtodiev |
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On the photomagnetic effect in CdTe thin films evaporated onto unheated substrates |
G. G. Rusu, M. Rusu, M. Caraman |
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On the optical properties of polycrystalline CdSe thin films |
C. Baban, G. I. Rusu, P. Prepelita |
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On the electrical and optical characteristics of CdO thin films |
R. S. Rusu, G. I. Rusu |
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On the electronic transport and optical properties of ZnTe thin films |
G. I. Rusu, P. Prepelita, N. Apetroaei, G. Popa |
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Infrared luminescence of gold-doped ZnSe crystals |
A. N. Avdonin, G. N. Ivanova, G. V. Kolibaba, D. D. Nedeoglo, N. D. Nedeoglo, V. P. Sirkeli |
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Polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) film interaction with low energy oxygen ions |
M. Gheorghiu, M. Aflori, D. Dorohoi, G. Popa |
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Self-organization scenario relevant for nanoscale science and technology |
M. Sanduloviciu, D. G. Dimitriu, L. M. Ivan, M. Aflori, C. Furtuna, S. Popescu, E. Lozneanu |
Section 5. Low-dimensional structures |
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Magnetism and magnetoresistance in electrodeposited (L10) CoPt superlattices |
V. Georgescu, M. Daub |
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formation of mns clusters into laumontite zeolite |
F. Iacomi, A. Vasile, E. Pavlidou, K. M. Paraskevopoulos, N. Varoutzis, Ch. Lioutas, E. K. Polychroniadis |
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Ni nanowires electrodeposited in single ion track templates |
M. Daub, I. Enculescu , R. Neumann, R. Spohr |
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Multiplasmon laser gain spectra of quantum wells |
A. A. Klyukanov, V. Gurau |
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Nonlinear vibrations of a nano sized sensor with fractional damping |
Gh. E. Drăgănescu, N. Cofan, D. L. Rujan |
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Optical behavior of multilayered CdTe/Cu thin films deposited by stacked layer method |
G. G. Rusu, M. Rusu |
Section 6. Functional materials. Applications |
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Oxygen sensor based on Ga2O3 films operating at high temperature |
C. Baban, Y. Toyoda, M. Ogita |
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Un-stirred layers at the biomembrane-aqueous solution interfaceevidenced by ion transport measurements through pore-forming proteins |
T. Luchian |
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Photoelectrical properties of heterojunctions connected with Van-der-Waals forces |
Z. D. Kovalyuk, V. M. Katerynchuk, O. M. Sydor |
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A model of humidity sensor with a Mg-based ferrite |
N. Rezlescu, E. Rezlescu, P. D. Popa, F. Tudorache |
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On the possibility of the use of a nickel ferrite as semiconducting gas sensor |
N. Iftimie![]() |
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Photoinduced bactericidal activity of TiO2 thin films obtained by radiofrequency magnetron sputtering deposition |
C. Miron, A. Roca, S. Hoisie, P. Cozorici, L. Sirghi |
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properties of polyurethane thin films |
I. Diaconu, D. Dorohoi |
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Fluorescence properties of the polyurethane with anchored stilbene chromophore |
G. Strat, E. Buruiana, T. Buruiana, V. Pohoata, M. Strat |
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Photocromic properties of some diazobenzene copolymers in solutions |
I. Grecu, G. Strat, S. Gurlui, M. Strat |
Regular Papers |
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Temperature distribution in D. C. Joule-heated amorphous magnetic materials |
I. Aştefănoaei, D. Radu, H. Chiriac |
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Study of a-Si:H tail state distributions through analytical multiple-trapping modelling |
E. V. Emelianova, M. Brinza, V. I. Arkhipov, G. J. Adriaenssens |
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Mathematical modeling of spectral characteristics of optical coatings with slightly inhomogeneous chalcogenide films |
A. Mitsa, V. Mitsa, A. Ugrin |
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Preparation and properties of langasite and YAG amorphous films
M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, M. Stegarescu, S. Georgescu, I. N. Mihailescu, G. Socol, D. Stanoi, L. Daroczi, A. Kokenyesi, M. Leonovici, D. Wagner |
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Experiments on pulsed laser deposition and characterization of epitaxially in-situ grown YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films |
M. Branescu, V. S. Teodorescu, G. Socol, I. Balasz, C. Ducu, J. Jaklovszky |
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YBa2Cu3O7-d:Li superconductor system investigated by direct microwave absorption method |
M. Velter-Stefanescu, O. G. Duliu, V. Sandu |
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Time-resolved spectroscopic study of a pulsed electron beam ablation plasma |
M. Nistor, F. Gherendi, M. Magureanu, N. B. Mandache |
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On the relaxation mechanism of some radiation induced free radicals in polymers |
M. Velter-Stefanescu, O. G. Duliu, N. Preda |
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Investigation of nanophase separation in glassy As40Se60 using Raman scattering and ab initio calculations |
N. Mateleshko, V. Mitsa, M. Veres, M. Koos |
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Refractive indices determination of a new nematic liquid crystal |
I. Palarie, C. Florea |
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On absorption spectra of CoCl2/acetone systems |
G. Stanescu, Ath. Trutia |
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Effect of piperazine group in side-chain azobenzene polymer on second-order optical nonlinearity by all-optical poling |
B. Guo, J. Liu, Y. J. Jia, G. M. Wang, Q. J. Zhang |
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Autofluorescence spectroscopy of malignant tissue |
J. Zavadil, D. Lezal, L. Horak, V. Duchac, M. Prochazka |
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Three-dimensional measurement and defect detection based on single image |
L. Song, X. Qu, K. Xu, L. Lv |
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Birefringence grating within a single mode polymer optical fibre with photosensitive core of azobenzene copolymer |
Z. Li, H. Ma, Q. Zhang, H. Ming |
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Characterisation of a q-switched TEM00 Nd:YAG laser for processing single and polycrystalline diamonds |
S. K. Sudheer, V. P. Mahadevan Pillai, V. U. Nayar |
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Calculation of some spectroscopic parameters of LiNbO3:Er3+optical waveguides |
N. N. Puscas, A. Ducariu, G. C. Constantin, D. Dinu |
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Spread spectrum colour video watermarking in the DCT domain |
M. Mitrea, F. Pręteux, A Vlad |
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m-X-ray computer axial tomography application in life sciences |
I. Tiseanu, T. Craciunescu, N. B. Mandache, O. G. Duliu |
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Determination of the diffusion coefficients for ternary systems by gosting diffusiometer. Apparatus and method |
D. Buzatu, E. Petrescu, C. Popa, F. D. Buzatu |
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Lidar calibrated satellite sensed primary production in the Southern Ocean |
R. Barbini, F. Colao, R. Fantoni, L. Fiorani, I. G. Okladnikov, A. Palucci |
Technical notes |
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Microspheres, planoconvex microlenses and optical fibres based on glassy As2S3 |
M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, R. Savastru |
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Optospectral system for the quantification of optical parameters of old paper |
E. Darvasi, S. Stirban, A. Stirban, M. Ursu, D. Gomoiescu, M. Chintoanu |
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Trimorph actuation based on shape memory alloys |
C. M. Crăciunescu, I. Mihalca, V. Budău |
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Imprint lithography on Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), (PHEMA), and epoxydised novolac, (EPN) polymers |
F. A. Zacharatos, A. Olziersky, I. Raptis, E. Hristoforou |